Approaching the Pilates Method

Approaching the Pilates Method

Pilates can be considered ¨The art and science of the coordinated development of body, mind and spirit hrough a series of natural movements carried out under the strict control of the will¨ J.H. Pilates The Pilates Method, originally called ‘Contrology’ by its creator Joseph Humbertus Pilates, is a system of movements made with control and precision in a…

Are You in Sleep Debt? Here’s How to Balance Your Bedtime Budget

How does sleep affect athletes?

The amount of sleep an athlete gets impacts their reaction time, attention and focus, physical recovery and injury proneness. The body restores itself during sleep, so it is necessary for recovery from intense training. A person who is sufficiently well-rested will not waste any resources on staying awake or straining to stay focused and alert.…